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Where is Xur's Location in Destiny 2?

Determining the location of Xur is a little tougher in Destiny 2.


Anyone who played the first Destiny game will no doubt be familiar with the tentacle-faced merchant who visited the Tower every week. For the first year, his visits were exciting, but as time went on and Three of Coins was added, he no longer mattered. Now that Destiny 2 is here, Xur’s stock is yet again full of surprises, and his visits are exciting! But there’s the problem of knowing where Xur is in Destiny 2.

Where is Xur in Destiny 2

Xur’s location in Destiny 2 isn’t as simple as it was in Destiny 1. He no longer visits the Tower, instead he opts to move around one of the four planets and moons we can play on. Xur appears in a different location each week and will hawk his many wares. Due to the fact Xur can appear on any planet, in any location in Destiny 2, he will be rather difficult to track down.

Unfortunately, Xur is not available for this first week of Destiny 2 and will make his first appearance next week, according to Bungie’s Month 1 Activity calendar. Xur will make his way to Destiny 2 on Friday, September 15th, so be prepared to hunt him down.

It will be a good idea to stockpile as many Legendary Shards as you can, as that is now the main currency Xur uses. Gone are the Strange Coins of Destiny 1. There’s currently no information about how much his wares will cost, so be prepared for them to be rather expensive.

One way to ensure you have enough Legendary Shards is to grind Patrol zones for their respective tokens and hand them over to the area’s main NPC, be it Devrim, Failsafe, etc. You can also dismantle any Legendary gear you don’t want to help increase your Legendary Shard stocks!

For more on Destiny 2 beyond the location of Xur, visit our Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.

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