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How to get Redrix's Claymore in Destiny 2

Redrix's Claymore is a reward for those who manage to crush it in competitive Crucible.


There are a lot of weapons in Destiny 2, but none are as highly sought-after as the infamous Redrix’s Claymore. This monstrous pulse rifle devours players in the crucible, and thanks to how difficult it is to get, very few players will ever get one – which is no doubt why you want it, and need it.

How to Get Redrix’s Claymore

Redrix’s Claymore is a reward that players receive when they reach Fabled Glory rank in Competitive Crucible. This means that anyone who wins enough matches to rise up three levels, to Fabled, will automatically receive the Redrix’s Claymore pulse rifle.

When this rifle was first revealed, a user over on Reddit, spacev3gan, did some math to work out how many matches it would take to unlock Redrix’s Claymore, and the news isn’t good for anyone who solo queues or for those with a low win-rate.

According to spacev3gav, someone with a perfectly even 50% win-to-loss rate in Competitive Crucible will need play around 440 games to get the necessary 2,200 points in order to reach Fabled Glory rank. If four-hundred and forty games sounds like a lot, it is. Right now, the competitive player pool in Destiny 2 has shrunk, and it’s likely the elite who are left over, this means matches are going to be brutally tough.

However, with the right team and a good mindset, it’s certainly possible to creep up the levels even with the loss streaks – and it’s definitely worth it for Redrix’s Claymore.

Redrix’s Claymore Perks

The reason Redrix’s Claymore is so incredible has to do with its stats and the perks it comes with. The pulse rifle has a respectable impact rating, as well as range and stability, making it a decent killer. Though, players are likely more interested in the two main perks, Outlaw and Desperado.

For anyone who’s slightly familiar with Destiny, Outlaw is immediately recognizable: precision kills increase the reload speed. Desperado is where things get interesting. Reloading while Outlaw is active increases Redrix’s Claymore’s rate of fire. This means that any headshot kills increase the reload speed, which in turn makes the gun fire even faster, decreasing its time-to-kill to something insanely quick.

It’s sure to be a long and brutal road, and players who want to get Redrix’s Claymore will need to start playing immediately if they want to unlock it before the end of Season 3. The next season of Destiny 2 is schedule to start when Destiny 2: Forsaken releases, which is September 4 – you’ve got one month to unlock Redrix’s Claymore. Keep in mind that players who manage to reach the max rank will also unlock a unique weapon ornament for Redrix’s Claymore.

While you grind out those Competitive Crucible wins, take a look at the Shacknews Destiny 2 Complete Strategy Guide for more helpful articles.

Guides Editor

Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can Tweet him: @SamuelChandler 

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